Monday, January 12, 2009

Ahhhh... Monday

So school is finally over for the day. Today we spent all day covering Budgeting. We learned about the different stages and appropriation of funds. We learned where we fall in the whole process and about the different "pots" of money that we get funded through. Due to my high level of awesomeness I knew pieces of this already so this basically connected the dots.

I'm about to do the review questions for today and do another practice spend plan or two. I just wanted to share some observations from today.

First, Lt Bojangles is staying in my hotel. I saw him this morning and saluted him as I walked to my rental. I must say that I looked stunning in my blues while he looked like crap. His jaw dropped when he finally realized who I was.

Next, when the Army isn't getting into bar fights, grunting HooAHH, or kicking in doors, they are standing around. I think that 90% of the Army augments the BX/Clothing Sales & Burger King. I'm not kidding... much. Seriously though. Every time I go into one of these places there are 500 soldiers blocking the entrance, smoking with their hands in their pockets. All the while they are engaging in a loudness contest and searching to see who can string the most swear words together into an intelligible sentence. They give hope to stoners everywhere. I have a foul mouth but these freaks put me to shame.

When I drive to and from school there are typically 50 soldiers standing by every bus stop. Most bus stops are close enough together that you can see the next. I had to follow a base shuttle bus today and watched someone get on the bus at the BX and he got off a half mile later. It's ridiculous. Maybe I'm being too harsh, he probably had a cramp... or his foot was still asleep from standing for too long in the same spot.

There has to be something better for them to do. At least in the AF we know better than to congregate in large groups. We know that if the wrong person sees it that very soon someone will be cleaning grass out the the cracks in the pavement or making something look pretty. If you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean.

That about sums up what's on my mind right now. I keep biting the inside of my bottom lip, it's pissing me off. Just when it seems to be healed I do it again and get the salty taste of blood. I'm going to get my homework done and at least stretch and do some push ups and sit ups to counteract the ever growing ball of flesh where my abs used to be.

OK bye.

1 comment:

  1. We aren't ones for saying bad words at all but yes there are some bad people out there. Good luck with the rest of the week and Lt. Bojangles WHAT how do you not laugh your fool head off when you say that!
