Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Erin the Crusader

In Texas it was cheaper to put trash in a landfill than to recycle. We didnt recycle because it was a pain in the ass. This is just to let everyone know that Erin has gone green. She's a one woman crusader to save the planet. She's singlehandedly going to reduce our "carbon footprint". I'm not complaining, I'm all for doing my part but it's quite comical at times. I told her today that I forgot to recycle a can and you should have seen the look she gave... She wanted me to dig under the old coffee grounds and bananna peels to get it. No way!

Feel free to make fun. She even recycled the plastic wrapping on the case of water that she just bought. While absurd, it's a good thing. We used to fill our can to the top twice a week in TX but here we didnt even fill the can once and we only have one trash pick up a week.

Maybe it's her destiny... Erin=Ireland=Green

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Jimmy Is SOLD... Almost

I had some people put a $240 deposit down on the Jimmy tonight. WOO-freakin'-HOO! They talked me down $200. HA! I was going to take less than they offered anyway. It's good to be free from it... almost. I'll believe it when the title is signed.

I failed to mention that I'm selling my beloved 1993 GMC Jimmy after over 4 years of ownership. I bought a 1997( HUGE upgrade in years) Expedition. It's WAY too damn big and I feel like a tank. I guess I need it to overcome my shortcomings... at least that's what all the jealous people will say.

You know what they say about guys with big...

I had to edit this to say that tomorrow is my FIRST official day at work here. I'm excited... pause... NOT!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Unpacking BLOWS

Enough said.

Beyond that, we didn't do any unpacking today. We took Ian to the Science Center in St. Louis. He had what appeared to be fun, between me dragging him to pee and his random mumblings about the eleva-gator. As much of a pain as he can be sometimes, I wouldn't trade him for anything. He saw the dinosaurs and figured out that the T-Rex was eating the Triceratops. He said that the Triceratops needed a band aid.

We drove home, watched some TV on someone Else's Internet connection and now Erin's been sleeping for over an hour. Ian just fell out of his bed so I put him back and gave him his bunny.

Tomorrow Erin wants me to take Ian to Lowe's or Home Depot to get things to secure our yard. Our dogs have pulled two escape jobs already so it's going to take $50 to keep them in. Beyond that, I'm bored. My wife is a premature old lady and I have nothing to do but browse craigslist... on someone Else's network.

Good night.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We're Here

So far we have nothing bad to say. Our Temporary Lodging is a 3 BR house and they allow dogs. We signed the papers for our house on base today and the movers drop off our household goods tomorrow. Our house is more than I expected. There are 2.5 baths and 4 total bedrooms. One bedroom is "too small" to classify as a bed room according to the housing people.

Anyway, it's great to be here. Work is 100 times more calm than being an MTL but I have forgotten everything about Air Transportation. People here are nice and it's great to see the leaves change color. Erin is always telling me how much better it is already. Wish us luck in keeping our sanity while unpacking with Ian...

Oh, I passed Algebra. I'm not math retarded. Much.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Ian was such a great pirate this year! He even had the "Argh" down. He had so much fun at the Halloween party I took him to at my friend Kimberley's house. Then Kelly, Ian and I met up with Brooke and her family and Kimberley and her family and went to the Halloween Carnival in Burkburnett. Ian went trick or treating with his dad on Friday and I'm sure he had fun then too.