Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Movers Are Here

The house is basically packed and ready to be loaded except the garage. Erin says I need to be neater in there, and I agree... but it's too late now. I feel bad for the guys, but they're getting paid pretty well. We're only going to have a one car garage at the new house so there wont be room for clutter. Maybe I'll let Erin help organize it. I hate organization though.

Anyway, my algebra final is tonight. I'm not as worried now because I need a 68% to get a C and if I get a D I dont have to re-pay the tuition assistance. Next time I take it I'll have to pay out of pocket though.

That's enough rambling. I have to get back to work... doing nothing. Hopefully the final goes well. If I pass, it could prove that I'm not Math Retarded!

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